Monday, May 10, 2010

Delpit Assignment

Your assignment is to respond to one of the following questions related to Lisa Delpit’s “The Silenced Dialogue.” Aim for about 100-150 words, and post it to your team blog. Please follow the following guidelines: 1. Identify your entry with a title that suggests the content.
2. Single space. You may respond to other people’s posts through the comment feature. You may also read the blogs of the other groups by going to: etc. through You can add a comment to other blogs by using the comment feature. You can only post to your own blog.

Questions (choose one):
1. If you are preparing to teach, what are you taking away from Delpit’s article regarding language and power that might help you as a teacher, and how could you apply these ideas to your proposed level of teaching?

2. One student asked, “Why do we have to discuss teaching minority children the language of power? Why not just teach everyone acceptance?” Respond.

3. For one of Delpit’s specific proposals (refer to the article), discuss the challenges of implementation. How could these challenges be addressed?

4. Your own topic.


At 10:58 AM, Blogger Uncle Bobby said...

Acceptance is not a solution.

Profesor Delpit effectively argues that language skills are empowering. She further argues that because of social economic conditions, stundents of color, who, statistically speaking, come from lower socio-economic strata, reside at the lower end of this power hierarchy. Any statement that argues for acceptance of this hierachy is patently wrong.

Rather than teaching acceptance of this inequity, teachers need to teach awareness of it. Once the students are aware, then teachers can begin rectifyng said inequities. Thus empowring all rather than some students.

Until we in the majority aknowledge not only that a power gap exists, but that we in the majority cannot fully apprciate the nature or the cause of this gap,we will never be able to achieve equity in education. And that is something that we cannot accept.


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