Monday, April 24, 2006

Grammar in the Major Interview

According to Dr. A., Sociology, grammar is important in Sociology because it is used to convey ideas with a minimum of confusion. Proper grammar maximizes one’s clarity of thought. One of the most widely used methods of impacting the field of Sociology is through publication. This can include textbooks, in-depth studies, and journal articles. Dr. A. pointed out that while a student of Sociology is writing, it is essential that they be able to recognize potential criticisms, such as improper grammar. In short, “No matter how good your ideas are, if your written work is loaded with grammar problems, it undermines your ability to persuade your audience,” said Dr. A.


At 10:44 AM, Blogger Sgt. B. said...

Bad grammar and writing make it easy for detractors to attack your findings. It enables them to shift the argument from the quality of your study to the quality of your writing and to then link one to the other.


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