Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Interview on Grammar in the Major

I am not majoring in something at OSU, but instead I am just taking the pre-requisites for nursing school. Since there is no nursing major at OSU, I interviewed a person (G) that used to work as a nurse, still works in the medical field, and teaches part time at OSU. G said that the way a person writes can great affect their impact on the reader. A person’s writing creates a “visual picture” in the reader’s mind about what the person is like. He says that a person’s writing is a reflection of who they are. For example, if you don’t write well, people who read your writing might think that you are not competent enough for the job, or smart enough, or just that you are lazy and unprofessional.

G specifically emphasized the importance of clarity and efficiency in writing in the nursing profession. Clear communication in general is extremely important between the nurse, the patient, and the doctor. Often times the communication is writing, which contains some kind of important information on the patient’s condition, and directions on caring for the condition. These documents of each case are extremely important in order for the patient to be cared for properly and to protect the professionals in any kind of legal dispute. G also mentioned the importance of the ability to read and write using medical jargon, as this is used a lot in notes on patients’ charts.


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