Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Chapter 14 Thoughts

I found Chapter 14 the most interesting chapter we’ve read so far in this book. I think this is because the information in this chapter is the most directly relevant to taking my writing to the next level. Learning all the grammar is helpful when writing papers etc, but learning about the little things like choosing verbs or word order variation help me develop an individual style. With my own style, my writing will better reflect my intelligence level.
Some interesting thing I noticed in this chapter:
·      The Introductory Appositive Series – I never use this. It makes the writing very dense and frustrating to read in my opinion. I have to reread the sentence multiple times in order to fully comprehend it. It is a conscience choice not to use it on my part.
·      Metadiscourse – I’ve used this a lot in my writing without even realizing what it was. I feel that using metadiscourses makes my personality come through clearer and easier.
·      The Passive Voice – Before this class, I had no idea what the passive voice was or how to recognize it. I know find it everywhere. Whenever I come across I love looking to see if I can figure out why the author choose to use the passive voice instead of active voice. I’ve been finding that there are may situations that the passive voice actually works well in context. For example, I’ve seen it used multiple times as a segue connecting two thoughts.


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