Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Importance of Punctuation

With only two weeks left of the term, some of the most important things that I will be taking away from this class are finding a writing style, making sure my sentences are cohesive and rhythmic, and finally choosing the verbs that sound right in particular sentences. I would have never noticed that I actually have a writing style that is unique only to me. In my writing style, I really tend to overuse compound sentences. This makes my sentences seem repetitive in a negative way, so I will come away from this class focusing on eliminating compound sentences if they appear to be in over-abundance in any of my future essays or papers. I have also come to always be leery of dangling participles. Sometimes it is so easy to begin a sentence knowing perfectly what I am talking about, but forgetting that my audience has no idea what I am referencing. I think that proofreading out loud will greatly assist me in detecting such errors. Finally, for my sentences to have that certain flow that makes the reader want to continue reading what I have written, I need to choose verbs that sound the absolute best. This means that instead of over-using be verbs, I need to get creative and figure out ways to use more active transitive verbs. I think that this was an important thing that was mentioned in chapter 14 regarding the rhythm of a sentences. After all, if all sentences sound the same, who would want to read them? A lack of unpredictability can ruin a piece of writing.


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