Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Language and Grammar in Zoology

I am majoring in Zoology, and would like to work in a zoo with big cats. Since there weren’t any professors I could think of that do anything like that, I chose to interview one of my professors, Dr. T, because I thought it likely she had done research and published articles in scholarly journals. To begin with, T said that a persons writing will have a large impact on their likelihood to succeed within a zoology career. Writing reflects upon who a person is, and will have an impact on their credibility. T went on to say that if an individual lacks credibility in their writing, readers will take them to be of less importance when compared to other scholarly writers. In Zoology research, said T, it is extremely important to have a formal writing style, because the publishers of journals and magazines require it. For students, correctness in writing depends on the context of the situation. Writing an essay is going to be more formal than answering short questions on an exam. It impresses T the most when students can both use good grammar and express themselves to their fullest extent, even when it is not required.


At 4:41 PM, Blogger Kristin M said...

I've noticed that I used to write more formally even when it wasn't required, but it's less of a habit now. It seems that there is definitely a trend of credibility in writing in different careers. That sounds so cool working in a zoo with big cats! How exciting!


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