Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Confidence in your students is key...

I always thought that the best teachers, were the teachers that could make any child understand the concept at hand. When it comes to teaching language, the biggest thing that needs to be addressed is that most children speak differently. I guess that is why I like language so much because we all sound so different when we are talking. Language is kind of like DNA in the fact that we all have it, however everyone's is different. Teachers from the bat need to established that mentality. So how do you teach to have all culturals understand language? Well, I think using multiply teching methods is a start to balance the power of language. Growing up with a bad learning disability and bad speech impedament, I felt that I wasn't really thought much in grade school. I felt as if I have no power and therefore I was terrorfied to read aloud because I never learned how to properly sound out words. I only learned how to skip words that I didn't know how to pronounce. If my teachers used different methods to teach the pronouncing of words to me, then I think to this today I could sound out and pronounce any word. I would be more willing to read aloud. I also feel that self-confidence plays a big role in whether a student learns "proper" language. I grew up in a very diverse school where it was about 40% black, 40% white and 20% other. During those years I felt like I came from a multicultrual family because teachers and facility made me feel stupid, like often many mulitcultural students felt in her piece. I felt like no one cared within my school of whether I ever learned proper English. All of teachers told us if we couldn't it do it the way that they were teaching it to us then there was no hope for us learning later. So of course my confidence and my self-esteem got deminshed due to my teachers telling me that I couldn't do it. I saw my teachers do that a lot to students who came from another ethnicity or white kids, like myself who were had a learning disabiiity and were placed in special ed. So in order to even out the power control, teachers must show ALL kids that they can learn and show that they have confidence in each child learning. Confidence for one goes a long way and it helps to establish a child's future.
Confidence is the biggest thing that I would want to show when trying to teach an important concept. I also think that kids need lessons to be relatable. If you can relate to a child, then that child is going to better understand the concept. I like when math teachers use sports for example fanstay football to teach kids about odds, averages, percents etc. Kids can relate to sports and technology advancements like fanstay football. SO all in all, we need to reelvuate the way we teach. Lets make it fun and confident!


At 9:38 PM, Blogger Betsy Strobel said...

You're definitely right, student confidence is really key in the early years of learning. I wonder if you started out in a poor school district, so the teacher didn't want to focus on each individual student and their needs? I think sometimes teachers just give up on kids who have a harder time learning, which just makes school worse for the kids, and then they never catch up. It's a big problem right now, especially with a lot of non-native speakers coming into the system.

At 10:36 PM, Blogger albert smith said...

Ah men, sista!


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