Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Chapter 1&2

The most interesting thing I read the text book is the diagram of the sentence in chapter 2. I have never seen those diagrams before. When I saw those diagrams first in the text book, I didn’t understand what that is. It looks so strange to me because I have never learned how to make those diagrams. However, after I understood how it organized, it was so fun to make diagrams from the sentence. It was just before day of last test, I studied the text book’s exercise problems which had to make a diagram from the sentence. I really enjoyed doing those exercises because it was so fresh thing for me. Therefore, the diagram and how to make them are the most interesting things in chapter 1&2 for me.


At 7:20 AM, Blogger JENNA said...

I never knew that diagraming sentences existed either until the start of this class. Once I got the hang of diagramming, which took me a while to get I found it really helped myself as well. I feel that I am starting to understand sentence structures from these diagrams1

At 11:23 AM, Blogger sharon said...

I agree. The diagrams are really helpful in understanding sentence structure and once you get the hang of them, they're really not that hard and could easily be considered fun (if you like puzzle-like activities).

At 10:26 PM, Blogger Betsy Strobel said...

I have to say, diagramming was fun for a bit, but when the sentences became more and more complex, it just became a huge nightmare with all sorts of lines hanging off at strange angles and multiple levels on top of levels. Then the diagrams started looking like huge bloodsucking insects with many legs.

At 10:30 PM, Blogger Drew said...

I hate diagrams! I think they are the most worthless things ever. I did however like the sentence "slots." I find those to be useful for understanding what is going on. I think with the diagrams I get so caught up in making it correctly that I forget why I am diagramming in the first place!


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