Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Writing Across Borders

This video was very interesting for me because I am also an international student and English is my second language. Actually, most of the stuff that covered in the video was same as my own experience. The most difficult thing to write English essay is the difference of structure of essay. English essay states the thesis statement first and explain the idea after, but Japanese essay discribes the idea first and then finally state main point in the conclusion. However, I have learned the writing style in both English and Japanese, and I feel good in English writing style more than Japanese because English writing style is more simple organization than Japanese.


At 7:27 AM, Blogger JENNA said...

I thought that the video was extremely interesting, and it brought up many points. I always heard that Americans have such different English then the rest of the world, and watching this video really stressed that point. I would personally like writing essays like they do in Japan or in Ecuador. I like how they twirl around the solution and then finally mention it at the end. The stories are more detailed and more exciting in my eyes, then how we write stories. However, I still feel that it would be easier to organize American essays over Japanese Essays because ours has steps that lead us to our main point. Overall thought I liked seeing how other cultures write and how different it really is compared to American culture.


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