Friday, May 28, 2010

Something more to think about

Chapter 14 gave me something more to think about when writing. I was specifically taken by the section on sentence rhythm. I always appreciated, at least subconsciously, when a good peace of writing has a rhythmic sense to it. However, I simply thought that is what good writers do. I failed to realize that this is a developed skill. And I was particularly taken by the concept of "end focus." The point being the chapter leads me to believe that with closer examination of my own writing, and thinking of the "end focus" in conjunction with two part subject and predicate structures, I may be capable of improving the rhythm in my own writing.

Finally, I noticed some other weaknesses in my own writing. For example, I over use "be" verbs. Also, I do not give enough thought to choosing verbs. By in large, I choose a verb and I am done. It seems that if I spend more time editing with verb choice in mind, my papers will improve dramatically.


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