Monday, May 05, 2008

Delpit Article - Question 2:

I asked myself this same question while reading this sentence:

“I further believe that to act as if power does not exist is to ensure that the power status quo remains the same.”

I have in my mind the opposing idea that naming the power status quo also concretizes it and makes it seem like a fact. I believe that delineating the status quo has a double effect – it brings power to the status quo as a thing of “status” and offers it up for analysis, critique, and change. In this way, I think it is good to question what effects Delpit’s proposals can have in practice.

Acceptance is problematic for Delpit because the status of poor and minority children is unacceptable – it is not always positive to accept things as they are. Delpit wants to improve the status of those currently outside the culture of power, and she doesn’t want teachers to accept the status of marginalized students. Acceptance of cultural diversity and difference is a worthy goal, but acceptance of societal status – particularly low societal status – is unacceptable, and this, I think, is what Delpit is addressing.


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