Tuesday, May 20, 2008


It is obvious that I, as an English major, have seen many examples of nominalization in texts for my major.  English majors are required to read all different kinds of texts which have almost all types of sentence structures.  A lot of times nominalization is used in poetry, for example.  The knowledge that I have gained from this class has changed the way I read.  I have also noticed that, as a result of my studies in this class, my writing has changed.  Instead of taking language for granted in my writing, I am now able to analyze and think through my choices.  It has also, in a way, corrupted me because I tend to overanalyze my language and think too much about what sentence structures I am using.    


At 11:25 PM, Blogger Brittney said...

This idea, I think, is true:

"English majors are required to read all different kinds of texts which have almost all types of sentence structures."

I think the stylistic variety of texts used in the English department stems at least partly from the extremely loose definition of "text." So many different forms of communication and expression fall under this one term.


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