Sunday, February 20, 2005

A mutual symbiosis

I use to think biology writing and creative writing as separate compartments that can not combine. Because I think of creative writing as flexible and fun, I do not consider scientific writing, stiff and boring, can be creative. Interviewing my biology TA, I learn the two styles of writing can live in mutual symbiosis with the help of grammar.


Thu: Leah, what level do you expect your biology students’ grammar to be at? Grading exams, do you take points off grammar errors?

Leah: To be honest, it is most important for the students to understand the concepts. The professor and I are pretty lenient grading the exams. We look overall to see if students grasp the information. Unless a test question asks for complete sentences or for an essay, there are no points taken off when students write fragments. If we mark off points for every error, then we have to lower even lower the grading scale. People misuse it’s/its’/its, to/two, and there/their all the time.

Thu: Having to lower the standard grading level, you probably think your students do not have a good grasp on grammar. Through time, what changes do you see?

Leah: You are correct. I think the majority of students need to work on their grammar. Although there are some students excellent at grammar, but grammar is at a sorry state.

Thu: Though, I think it is hard to analyze students’ grammar on exams. During an exam, time is limited.

Leah: I agree with you Thu. Considering time issue when we grade, we are lenient about some grammar errors.

Thu: Writing a scientific paper, I think the audience will not be as lenient evaluating your paper. Can you tell me some expectations for a scientific paper?

Leah: The key is to be concise. To express much in few words, scientists leave out adjectives. I think that takes out a lot of personality.

Thu: I think scientific writing is dry.

Leah: Scientific writing is cut and clear, but it can be tedious to read and write. If it is not that way, then your biology book will be twice as thick.

Thu: Then the book will cost twice as much. I will have to work twice the hour. That is bad news.

Leah: Yeah! Although scientific writing has a stiff frame, but knowing when and where to incorporate creative writing techniques can help make it fun and interesting. That may be challenging. Writing scientifically to attract the reader requires energy and skill that does not come easy. Mastering grammar in this case, it will be your most useful tool.